Collaborative Unit MA Visual Effects Term Two


This practice is part of the smart vectors practice that we also use for beauty practice. In this case we had to remove the markers. This can be achieve by normal tracking each on of the markers but that would require more time and work. With this technique we only have to generate the smart vectors that will work as a track and with that we can do one patch or the necessaries patches for all the markers together.

First I denoised and created the smartvectors.

Then I created the patches necessaries throw the video, I created more than one because the light was changing a lot.

Then I use the smartvectors to track the clip and make the patch to be in place at all time.

After that, also using the vectors created, I’m able to pass some of the motion blurs that should be created by the movement of the clip.

After that, I premultiply each patch and merge it with the original video adding some grain that we lost with the denoised.

And this is the result.

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