Collaborative Unit MA Visual Effects Term Two


Green screen can be a long process and there are different techniques that can be applied to do a good green screen extraction. Here is the original plate I choose.

I decided to use keylight node for this practice. The first keylight is to create an interior alpha matte, strong completely white so we don’t have any unwanted transparencies. Then we do a core matte, more like a general matte that we keymix with a softer matte for the hair and parts that are more delicate.

For the keylight we select the green part of the screen that we want to remove and we treat it a bit to get a better result.

This particular clip was a bit tricky since the green screen was not very good. It is important to have a good clip well lit and recorded for the green screen to work at the best.

Here we see the result of the alpha. And the different alphas combined in to one.

After that, we can integrate it with a different background. I also treated the clip so we don’t lose any luminosity and it can be integrated better.

This is the end result:

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